Abandon Brandon
"Saying Brandon has a story to tell is an understatement - every page and every image is seeped with foreboding, but his story of survival and hope really brings the reader through. I'm incredibly impressed with his pages and his ability to articulate his childhood."
by Emma Patterson, Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
“After reading this book cover to cover, I never realized how close to home this type of pain could be. This book makes you reflect about how you deal with your own life, while opening a world of hope and accomplishment one could only dream to be possible. Brandon’s story is hard to read without crying, but a must-read for anyone who wants to see what comes out of ashes.”
by Nick Delman, Amazon
"Brandon’s story is brutal and heartbreaking. It is upsetting and disturbing on a primal level. I can promise you it will grab you and stay with you a very long time. There are those who tell me I should offer a “trigger warning,” and perhaps I should. To discover new truths, to learn new ways of seeing, requires that a few triggers be pulled."
By OTIS XII, Author and Radio Legend in Nebraska